Understanding the Intersection of Human Relationships and Technology in the Workplace: An In-Depth Exploration by Professor Roshni Raveendhran

In the realm of artificial intelligence, one might assume that technology takes center stage. However, Professor Roshni Raveendhran, the resident faculty expert on AI at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, has a different focus—people. With a background in psychology, Raveendhran delves into how individuals interact with their environment and the subsequent impact on their relationships. Particularly interested in the workplace, where people spend a significant portion of their waking hours and forge important connections, she seeks to understand the intricate interface between human relationships and technology.

Uncovering the Human-Technology Relationship

As a psychology major at the University of Texas at Arlington, Raveendhran developed a curiosity about the dynamics between people and their surroundings. Her exploration naturally led her to investigate the workplace—a space where relationships thrive and technology is ever-present. While many researchers focused on the question of “How do people use their smartphones or smartwatches?” Raveendhran took a different approach—she examined the relationship itself.

According to Raveendhran, individuals perceive technology as a source of information rather than evaluation. To illustrate, she poses the scenario of a human reminding someone to get up after sitting for four hours. The experience would be distinct, as people view feedback from technology in an informational manner. Raveendhran’s goal was to unravel the psychological dimensions underlying the human-technology relationship. She sought to comprehend the factors that make technology appealing and the various ways people interact with it.

Bridging Two Cultures

Raveendhran’s perspective on technology is influenced not only by her expertise but also by her diverse background. Hailing from India, she maintains a strong connection to her Tamil heritage, with the language serving as a vital link to her culture. Simultaneously, her roots in the United States run deep. Having grown up and pursued her education in the country, she is thoroughly immersed in American culture.

For Raveendhran, home is a fusion of both cultures—a place where the threads of her heritage and her experiences in the U.S. intertwine. Balancing these elements is important to her, as she seeks to create a harmonious blend of her Indian roots and American upbringing.

Choosing Darden and Exploring New Avenues

Raveendhran’s journey led her to Charlottesville and the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. After completing her doctorate in business administration at the University of Southern California, she embarked on the job market, which eventually brought her to Darden. Her first job talk at the school left an indelible impression, captivating her with the welcoming community and vibrant culture.

The collaborative environment at Darden, particularly with Professor Tami Kim, opened up new avenues for Raveendhran’s research. While still focusing on the human-technology relationship, especially in the context of artificial intelligence, she now explores AI’s role as an intermediary in human interactions. Raveendhran believes it is crucial for society to harness technological tools to empower individuals, enabling them to deliver their best work and bring their authentic selves to the workplace.

The Changing Landscape: Technology and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered the dynamics of work, intensifying the role of technology in various aspects of professional life. Remote work became the norm, replacing traditional office setups and bringing tools like Zoom to the forefront of organizational culture. However, with this shift

came challenges. Often, organizations lacked established norms for the use of these technologies, resulting in unrecognized costs.

Understanding these costs requires a closer examination of the psychological impact on individuals using such tools, according to Raveendhran. For example, instant messaging platforms like Microsoft Teams or Slack offer benefits such as speed and efficient informality, fostering trust. Nevertheless, there is a psychological burden associated with these real-time interactions that differs from traditional email correspondence.

Raveendhran and Kim’s research revealed that explicitly communicating that employees are not obligated to respond to after-hours chats helped establish new norms and alleviate the pressures of constant availability. This finding illustrates the importance of considering the psychology of technology users to optimize its benefits and mitigate its drawbacks.

Embracing Change and Shaping the Future

When contemplating the merits of working from the office versus working remotely, Raveendhran believes the question itself is misleading. It’s akin to comparing a saw and a hammer and deeming one superior to the other. Instead, she asserts that organizations should focus on purposeful and thoughtful approaches to technology, aiming to maximize its advantages and minimize its costs.

Acknowledging the undeniable shift in the world brought about by the pandemic, Raveendhran emphasizes the need for meaningful exploration of new work paradigms. During the crisis, people demonstrated heightened productivity while working remotely and realized their desire for flexibility. Engaging with these changes rather than resisting them is crucial for organizations to thrive.

Norms, Raveendhran asserts, hold significant influence over behavior. However, they must accurately reflect the way humans truly think and act to be effective. By considering the intricate relationship between humans and technology, organizations can craft norms that empower individuals to perform at their best and embrace the evolving landscape of work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How did Raveendhran’s background in psychology shape her research interests?

A: Raveendhran’s psychology major at the University of Texas at Arlington sparked her fascination with how people interact with their environment and the subsequent implications for their relationships. This interest naturally led her to explore the workplace, where she sought to understand the complex interplay between human relationships and technology.

Q: What factors motivated Raveendhran to choose the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business?

A: Raveendhran’s first-ever job talk was at Darden, and she was captivated by the warm and inclusive community she encountered. Reflecting on the experience and considering multiple job offers, she couldn’t help but be drawn to Darden’s student-centric nature, making it the clear and compelling choice for her.

Q: How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact the relationship between technology and work?

A: The pandemic precipitated a widespread transition to remote work, necessitating an increased reliance on technology for communication and collaboration. While this shift brought about numerous benefits, it also highlighted the absence of established norms for technology usage. Raveendhran emphasizes the importance of understanding the psychological impact on individuals when using these tools to effectively manage their costs.

Q: What should organizations consider in the face of evolving work paradigms?

A: Raveendhran believes that organizations must embrace the changing landscape of work rather than resisting it. Adapting to new work models, driven by increased flexibility and individual empowerment, is critical for organizations to thrive. By thoughtfully leveraging technology and crafting norms that align with human behavior, organizations can harness its benefits and shape a productive future.

Q: How can organizations alleviate the pressures of constant availability in remote work environments?

A: Raveendhran’s research highlights the significance of setting clear boundaries and expectations for after-hours communication. Explicitly communicating that employees are not obliged to respond to messages outside of regular working hours helps establish new

norms and reduces the psychological burden of constant availability.

Q: What is the role of norms in shaping behavior in the workplace?

A: Norms serve as powerful tools in influencing behavior, but their efficacy depends on how well they align with human cognition and actions. Organizations should develop norms that consider the psychological aspects of their workforce, enabling individuals to thrive and excel in their professional endeavors.


Professor Roshni Raveendhran’s unique perspective bridges the gap between technology and human relationships in the workplace. By delving into the psychology behind human-technology interactions, she seeks to empower individuals and organizations to leverage technology effectively. Embracing the changing dynamics of work, understanding the psychological impact of technology, and shaping norms that align with human behavior are key to navigating the future of work successfully. Through her research, Raveendhran illuminates the path toward a harmonious interface between humans and technology in the workplace.

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